Why Collaboration is the Key to Unlocking Wicked Problems

Welcome back, dedicated readers. In my first newsletter, I introduced the concept of wicked problems—challenges so complex they render traditional strategic approaches ineffective—to set the stage for the work we aim to undertake collectively in this newsletter. At the end of my post, I hinted at the need for a fundamental shift in strategy: collaboration. In this edition, let's explore why embracing collaboration is not just beneficial but essential to addressing the wicked problems confronting us.

The Limits of Traditional Methods

Traditionally, leadership has relied on strategic management, which applies a direct journey from vision to execution. This approach continues to excel at executing clear strategies when it comes to what we know how to do. However, this linear approach falls short in the unknown and unpredictable nature of wicked problems. The world we navigate today is far from linear and predictable; it's a fog of complexity where vision often blurs into hallucination.

Time and again, trying to solve big problems alone or in the top-down approach inherent in traditional strategic management approaches has not been enough. Challenges like climate change, technological disruptions, global pandemics, and social inequality are too complex for any one person or organization to tackle by themselves. It's increasingly rare for any individual or group to have all the knowledge and resources needed to fully understand and address these issues on their own. Moreover, our interconnectedness makes unilateral actions difficult, if not impossible, because of the unpredictable consequences one’s actions have on others. Consider the recent dismissal of the president at my alma mater, the University of Pennsylvania, triggered by a conflict occurring halfway across the world. This striking event showcases our profound interconnectedness in today’s global landscape.

The Shift Towards Collaboration

Collaboration emerges not just as a choice but as a necessity. Adopting a collaborative mindset transforms the adversarial nature of problem-solving into a unified effort. Through collaboration, we unlock a deeper understanding and more innovative solutions, drawing on the diverse perspectives of all stakeholders involved, rather than just a select few.

Here are some of the key benefits collaboration offers over traditional strategies:

  • Innovation. Embracing varied backgrounds and viewpoints, collaboration reveals innovative solutions hidden from homogenous groups or individuals. This diversity can lead to a richer synthesis of knowledge, opening new ways to engage with complex issues.

  • More Effective, Sustainable & Supported Solutions. When we unite, our collective efforts exceed what we can achieve alone, creating a powerful sense of commitment and buy-in toward a common goal. This synergy results in solutions that are more effective because they are more sustainable and widely supported.

  • Trust and Empathy. Unlike hierarchical approaches that can create divisive power dynamics, collaboration fosters empathy and trust. By focusing on shared goals, collaborative environments promote equity, motivation, and trust within communities and organizations.

Three Essential Questions

To harness collaboration effectively, consider these questions:

  1. How are you fostering leadership that values collaboration within your organization?

  2. Are your metrics favoring individual achievements over team successes?

  3. Do you have frameworks in place to develop the skills necessary for effective collaboration?


Venturing Into the Unknown: Start by understanding the nature of your problem


Why a Shared Understanding of Collaboration Matters